Dave and the team have been operating in the Tees Valley Region for a number of years and has provided excellent training to a large number of students in Media Studies, Business and working in the community. One of the many activities they run is a Media Course where the students learn about different aspects of media presentation ranging from newspaper reporting to TV interviewing. I was involved with this aspect during the elections when Ian Duncan- Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, visited the area and agreed to an interview session with the students. The interview was set up in a studio environment ran by 10 students to ask questions, which was being filmed for critique afterwards and to train them on editing. The students had obviously researched the subject matter and provided varied and penetrating questions to the interviewees in a professional and confident manner. Afterwards Ian Duncan-Smith said that he was immensely impressed by the student’s professional approach and the clarity and content of their questions and that he had faced less arduous questioning from professional interviewers. I am also an instructor with the local Air Cadet Sqn and a number of our cadets have participated in the courses provided by Dave. The feedback I have received is that the media and business courses had helped improve their confidence, ability to speak in public and had given them an insight into their chosen future profession. Even those that were not wanting to enter the media environment had gained valuable experience improved their communication skills. I feel that this aspect of the Training is extremely valuable both to the students and to the community.