Cllr, Sue Jeffrey.

Redcar & Cleveland Council.

Many thanks for sending me the survey results from your latest social action project working with the Friends of Redcar (FRED).Can I first of all say how much I enjoyed meeting the young people involved in the project and answering their questions, they were certainly very aware of the issues facing Redcar, both in relation to the environment of the beach and the wider economic issues that the town is experiencing.I have had some great feedback about the work that was done with F.R.E.D. to clean up the beach, and the photos are brilliant. It was a particularly good choice of projects as it has given a boost to Redcar at the start of the visitor season. As you know visitors are going to be even more important to our local economy this year given the closure of SSI and the loss of so many jobs.That takes me to the survey. I was not surprised that top of the list was the need to improve the High Street and bring more shops. The Council has been working hard to attract new retailers and it is good to see that this is supported by the majority of people in your survey. The need for more dog bins was also a popular response. Again this is an interesting finding given that it is now possible to dispose of dog waste in any bin, a point we have been advertising widely as part of our current 'pick-up-the-poo' campaign. As a result of seeing these findings I will now check whether we are making that clear enough in the campaign material.All-in-all the survey raises a number of important issues and I will make sure it is seen by the relevant council officers. As Council Leader and local community activist myself, I know that we need more people to take an interest in, and play an active part in their community. The work that you do with young people is so important, getting them involved early and making them realise that their action can make a difference to where they live - that can only be good for our Borough and the young people themselves. I know this is only the latest of many successful projects, and I would be really pleased if you would pass on my congratulations to the young people involved, and as always, my thanks to you and your team for the great work that you do.