Mr & Mrs Paul Blewitt.

As Jonathan's parents we have seen a huge boost in his self confidence since he got involved. He thoroughly enjoyed his time away with everyone at the Peat Rigg residential, especially with his good friends Joe and Laura. He has made new lifelong friends not only with the other students but also with the project staff. Jonathan gained a great insight into what it takes to script, produce and present a short film about the volunteers at Guisborough Town FC, and as a player himself he thought the night was fantastic. During the making of the Young Carers at The Junction film, Jonathan said he never realised there was such a thing as Young Carers who have such a hard life and don't let on to others. This really opened not only his eyes but I think the eyes of all the other parents at the graduation night All in all the whole experience has been one of the most positive things he has achieved to date, and we hope it will continue to inspire and transform the lives of young people for many years to come.